A Winning Formula.

Daily dietary support for mood, memory and longevity

Aquilegy encapsulates decades of nutritional brain science to bring you a smarter formula.

By humans. For humans.

Strange, right? We made Aquilegy because we realized other brain supplements are choosing ingredients based on animal and petri-dish studies.

With Aquilegy, we carefully selected ingredients shown in human research to have well-established associations with memory and mood support. We think a dietary brain formula should be safe and made to actually work.

  • No "proprietary blends"

  • No artificial preservatives

  • No artificial colors

  • Decaffeinated

  • Non-GMO

  • Gluten free

  • Proudly Made in the USA

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D has a major influence on brain health and performance. Over 40% of the US population is vitamin D deficient and studies have shown low levels of vitamin D are associated with low energy and mood, decreased cognitive performance, and memory loss.

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Coffee Fruit

Coffee fruit has been shown to significantly boost BDNF. BDNF is a special kind of protein that promotes the survival, function and development of brain cells. BDNF is known to support neural plasticity and has been shown in research to be associated with better mood and memory outcomes. Aquilegy uses patented CognatiQ coffee fruit extract which is decaffeinated and the same branded extract used in studies supporting coffee fruit's effects on BDNF.

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Selenium plays an important role in supporting a healthy brain and mood. Selenium has been shown to significantly boost the production of glutathione which is believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants in our body. Higher selenium intake has also been linked to higher cognitive function. Aquilegy uses the most active form of selenium to ensure peak absorption.

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Vitamins B6, B9 and B12

Vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid), and B12 are important for a healthy brain and mood. They boost the production of neurotransmitters and are responsible for keeping our homocysteine levels within normal limits. When it comes to B vitamins, peak absorption is especially important which is why unlike most supplements, Aquilegy only uses active form B vitamins.

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Lithium is a mineral that can be found in nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, whole grains and even drinking water. Through diet, the average person consumes around 0.4-3 mg per day and experts believe many of us could benefit from a little more. Research shows lithium may protect long-term brain health, improve sense of well-being, relieve brain fog and also boost BDNF.

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Turmeric Curcumin

Turmeric is a spice that contains curcumin. Multiple studies suggest curcumin has the ability to boost neurotransmitters and may even provide support in multiple pathways of mood and memory. Curcumin is also believed to enhance the production of DHA. DHA is an important fatty acid integral for brain development and protection.

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Black Pepper

Black pepper is included to enhance the absorption of curcumin. Black pepper has also been shown to enhance the absorption of vitamin B6 ,and selenium. Experimental studies suggest black pepper may have positive effects on the brain that support a healthy memory and mood.